Internet sensation and renowned Guitarist Ichika Nito, gained his global following and reputation through a unique combination of complex techniques and an easily identifiable signature sound. He captivates music fans and musicians alike with his unconventional, experimental style and a wholly original musical approach, through which he has become a favorite player and a major influence to players around the world.
The Ichika Signature ICHI00 is loaded with three ICHI-S single-coil pickups. Ibanez worked closely with Ichika Nito to design pickups that fit his clean, technical style. These custom-voiced pickups perfectly encapsulate his unique and experimental tone. You get a 5-way pickup selector switch and master volume and tone knobs to shape your sound. Plug into your favorite amplifier or amp-emulation plug-in, and the ICHI-S pickups effortlessly float to the top of any arrangement you come up with.
- Wizard C Roasted Maple neck
- Nyatoh body
- Rosewood fretboard w/White dot inlay
- Medium frets
- ICHI-S (S) neck pickup
- ICHI-S (S) middle pickup
- T106 tremolo bridge
- Chrome hardware
- Gotoh® MG-T locking machine heads
- Luminescent side dot inlay